
Aladdin for iphone instal
Aladdin for iphone instal

Aladdin for iphone instal

I also use the Aladdin’s for important things in image making such as back-lights and kickers giving subtle but crucial touches in my photography.

Aladdin for iphone instal

Normally a hard thing to do well, but very simple with Aladdin and a little Velcro. They are a great advantage in picture making and allow you to get the lamp into difficult place such as Car dash boards for night shoots for instance. You need to try all the clever clamps and attachments for these lamps. I regularly attach my Daylight and tungsten Aladdin to my iPhone to compensate for its bad colour flash and shoot stills with it, as I can control the output of the light to match the surrounding light level and the colour is great. Colour rendering is everything when you are shooting as most cheap LED sources have nasty green cast (sometimes badly magenta) and render terrible skin tones, as does the Apple iPhone flash for example! The colour quality is exceedinglay high for such a simple and not too expensive compact lighting tool. And it has its own in-built battery that last for a couple of hours, charged from a mini-USB adapter from you computer or a mains adapter. You never know where you will need it, but it is always there…. They fit in your pocket (approximately 10cm x 4cm) and I nearly always have at least on with me most of the time. Having played with these small and compact Aladdin lights, daylight and tungsten, I am amazed at how addictive they are and at how often you can use them in any type of photography, stills or moving.

Aladdin for iphone instal