
Does xbox game pass code extend subscription
Does xbox game pass code extend subscription

does xbox game pass code extend subscription

If I had to guess, the 1:1 conversion to get 3 years of GPU for $181 will stay around as long as Gold stays around, but who really knows. Even if say 5 million people in total end up gaming the system and constantly letting their sub lapse and then manually redeeming cheaper codes to upgrade to GPU at a 1:1 conversion, eventually that "lost money" will be almost nothing in the grand scheme of things, especially when GP will eventually get over say 75 million subs or something It exists to convince people to sub with the goal that they'll eventually be paying full price. It's something that helps feed growth assuming that most people will eventually resort to just paying full price for the service after while. If they see people who weren't subs before buying 3 years of Gold to convert to Ultimate, or even just buying one year or whatever, they'll keep the "loophole" 1:1 conversion open because it's still money even if it isn't full price. Click to shrink.Depends on whether or not it's successful for them to do it honestly.

Does xbox game pass code extend subscription